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Peace & Good
These meditations are an invitation to a state of peace and good through the words of Jesus in the gospels, and through the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi in pointing to Jesus. Saint Francis sought peace and good with God’s creation as best illustrated in Francis’ Brother Sun and Sister Moon in his Canticle of Creatures. These meditations are intended for persons of any belief but are presented in my faith of God the Father, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit of God. That faith is best expressed by me in the Franciscan spirituality of simplicity and praise of an all-good God.
In the beatitudes Jesus spoke of blessed joy; those that are poor in spirit, that are gentle, that mourn and give comfort, that do what is right, that are merciful, pure in heart, and are peacemakers. That blessed joy is the peace and goodness that we seek in this life.
Francis of Assisi bound himself to the peace and goodness of Jesus so that Jesus’ image of him would burn through all the worldly condition, the human armor, the spiritual dullness, such that Francis would see the likeness of the Most High God in the radiance of the sun and the divine presence and splendor in the brightness of the moon. In binding himself to Jesus, Francis bound himself as an instrument of peace and good to all of God’s creatures and all of God’s creation.
The words of these meditations are intended to inspire peace and good through the words of Jesus and the instrument of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Bartimaeus, the Blind Beggar of Jericho
Bartimaeus is the name of the blind beggar that was cured by Jesus at the gate of Jericho as Jesus traveled to Jerusalem where he was to be crucified a few days later. Although the gospels have many accounts of cures by Jesus, the cure of Bartimaeus is told in all three of the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Why did the three gospel writers include the same miracle narrative in their gospels, and most interesting, why are Bartimaeus and his father, Timaeus, named in the gospel? Could it be that Bartimaeus had a greater role in the early Christian church—a role that was known by the apostles but was not disclosed, possibly to avoid repercussions from the enemies of the church? The question of who Bartimaeus was and what role he played in the early church is the basis of the Christian novel that includes elements of adventure, mystery and romance!
The Christian novel from Covenant Books author, George Sabol, is a compelling, faith-based story of one of Christ's followers depicted in the gospels and how Bartimaeus’ attempts to learn about and know Christ led to a changed life that included bringing others to the Lord. It is a story of Bartimaeus’ struggle to learn of Jesus, and how his conversion led him to be an agent of God.
Published by Covenant Books, George Sabol’s new book explores how Christ’s teachings and presence can influence not only one’s heart but the lives of those around them by influencing their actions. Incorporating his Franciscan spirituality, his experience as a horse trainer and competitor, and his familiarity with the Middle East into Bartimaeus’ story, Sabol weaves an incredibly moving tale that is sure to remain with readers long after its stunning conclusion and encourage them to open their hearts to Christ and his teachings.
Readers can purchase “Bartimaeus, the Blind Beggar of Jericho” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes and Noble. The book is due to be released in September 2024.